Saturday, February 24, 2007 is a new and fast growing site that allows you to promote your website or blog for FREE using what they call a "card." You create this card yourself to show what your site is all about and to also attract the eyes of all the viewers. You want more traffic? Make you card top notch.

There is no cost to use this site unless you choose to do so and there is no pressure put on your part as to how much you spend on your card if you do choose to spend any at all. The cost-per-day you select will decide where your card is placed on Ultimately, you choose the price you choose where your card is displayed. Visit today and promote your site for free and get the traffic you need.


rayhedrick said...

So, basically, if you don't spend moeny on your "card" your blog won't getting any visits?

Or am I way off with this?


Sean said...

It will get hits from people browsing categories and others just going through pages looking for interesting stuff. If you spend the money to get on the first page then you have more of a chance, but the first page cards aren't the only ones that get views.

I just joined last night and was on the very last page and I all ready have 5 views. It's not a crazy amount but it's something. And they have a thing going where if you link to their site on yours you get 1 cent/day for a year, or write a review that they approve you get 2cent/day free for one year. That's enough to put you on the first page right now.

Unknown said...

Hey. It sounds like a pretty good find. I am going to try it out. Thanks.

Sean said...

You're welcome, and good luck!

Anonymous said...

Nice find, thanks for sharing. I might give this a whirl :)

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